Dla lekarzy

24th Annual ISCD Meeting

 28.02-3.03.2018, Boston, USA
Miejsce Spotkania:
Boston Park Plaza Hotel 

Cele edukacyjne spotkania:
1. Recognize prior fracture(s) as a powerful indicator of future fracture(s).
2. Identify new and emerging therapeutic agents to treat and manage patients with osteoporosis or other skeletal health disorders.
3. Summarize the process of CT opportunistic screening to identify patients at risk for low bone mass and high fracture risk.
4. Outline effective exercise interventions for the benefit of bone health and management of osteoporosis.
5. Discuss the role of body composition analysis, on risk of fall, fracture, frailty and diabetes.
6. Describe trabecular bone score and its utilization with BMD and FRAX® to classify fracture risk.

Uczestnicy otrzymają punkty edukacyjne ACCME. 

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