Dla lekarzy


11-13.10.2017, Dublin, Irlandia

Główne tematy spotkania:
– Basic science – biology, biomechanics
– Cervical Spine
– Adult and paediatric deformity
– Degenerative spine
– Trauma
– Tumour and infection
– New techniques (MISS, biomaterials, bioagents)
– Imaging and patient safety
– (Advanced) spinal rehabilitation

Wczesna rejestracja do 20.06.2017.

Kontakt z organizatorem:
EUROSPINE, the Spine Society of Europe
c/o J. Reichert Schild
Seefeldstrasse 16
8610 Uster-Zürich
Tel. +41 44 994 14 04
Fax +41 44 994 14 03

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