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Interdisciplinary Symposium on Osteoporosis 2016

12-15.05.2016, Miami, USA

Wczesna rejestracja do 29.02.2016

Uczestnicy mają możliwość uzyskania punktów CME.

W programie tematy i sesje tj:
– Reducing Readmissions and Improving Patient Outcomes with Better Care Transitions
– The Pathophysiology of Osteoporosis and Fractures
– Assessing Fracture Risk: Using DXA, FRAX, TBS and other Risk Assessment Tools in Clinical Practice
– Safe Yoga & Pilates for Patients with Increased Fracture Risk
– Clinical Evaluation of Secondary Causes of Osteoporosis
– Rare Bone Conditions You Should Never Miss (Because They Are Treatable)
– Drug-Induced Osteoporosis
– Nutrition, Micronutrients, Supplements & Fads
– Assessment of Acute and Chronic Pain in the Elderly Patient with Osteoporosis and Fractures
– Pharmacologic, Nonpharmacologic and Interventional Approaches to Managing Pain in the Elderly Patient with Osteoporosis and Fractures
– Preventing Secondary Fractures with an FLS Program
– Mechanisms of Action of Osteoporosis & Anti-Fracture Therapies
– Historical Perspectives on the Development of Anabolic Therapy
– Fall Risk Assessment & Fall Prevention
– Does Menopausal Hormone Therapy Still Have a Role to Play in Osteoporosis Management?
– Vertebral Fractures and Implications for Treatment

– Making the Business Case for FLS
– Issues and Complications of Treatment
– Top 10 Questions Patients Ask and How to Answer Them
– Osteoporosis in Special Populations: Should You Treat? With What?
– Achieving Peak Bone Mass in Children
– Exercise Recommendations for the Older Adult Patient with Increased Fracture Risk


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