Dla lekarzy

International Conference of Frailty & Sarcopenia Research

1-3.03.2018, Miami Beach, USA

Wśród najważniejszych tematów spotkania:
– Neuromuscular changes with aging and sarcopenia

– Muscle cell regenerative capacity and aging
– Nutrition, sarcopenia and frailty
– Frailty: What’s been done and what needs doing
– Myostatin and other biomarkers of sarcopenia
– Stems cells for frailty : rational, biological and clinical impact
– WHO-ESCEO Symposium “Assessment of Physical Performance in daily clinical practice”
– Osteoporosis and sarcopenia : Two diseases or one ?
– The ENRGISE pilot trial to avert inflammation, mobility loss and frailty: early results

Przyjmowanie abstraktów do 22.01.2018.

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