Dla lekarzy

17th EFORT Congress

1-3.06.2016, Genewa, Szwajcaria

Centrum konferencyjne:
Palexpo Geneva
Route François-Peyrot 30
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva | Switzerland

W programie:
1. General Orthopaedics

– Tribology: Bearing choices
– Bones and Joints: Replace or repair
– Implants & Biomaterials: Is New Safe?
– The obese patient
– Innovation and sustainability

2. Musculoskeletal Tumors
– Influence of age on reconstruction in bone tumors

3. Musculoskeletal Infections
– Strategies in infected implants

4. Spine
– Clinical judgement in the aged spine

5. Upper Limb
– Hand: the tool to care for!
– Computer assisted shoulder surgery
– Pitfalls in rotator cuff surgery

6. Lower Limb
– Knee replacements: expectations and reality
– Perioperative management in TKR
– Hip replacements: expectations and limits
– New approach, new components, new problems
– Cemented or cementless
– Degenerative Foot & Ankle

7. Trauma
– Augmented implants

8. Paediatrics
– Early care achieves life-time mobility

Przysyłanie abstraktów do 30.10.2015.
Wczesna rejestracja do 29.02.2016.

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