Dla lekarzy

International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research

28-29.04.2016, Filadelfia, USA

Centrum Kongresowe:
Pennsylvania Convention Center
149 North Broad Street, Philadelphia,
PA 19107, USA

Tematyka spotkania:
1. Sarkopenia:
   • Biology
   • Animal models
   • Preclinical studies
   • Clinical trials
   • Functional assessment
   • Biomarkers and imaging
   • New drug developments
   • Physical exercise
   • Nutrition intervention
   • Epidemiology
   • other
2. Frailty:
   • Biology of frailty and aging
   • Physical frailty and age-related body composition modifications
   • Cognitive frailty
   • Frailty in clinical practice and public health
   • Clinical trials and therapeutics

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