Dla lekarzy

European Knee Society 2016 Spring Training Course

31.03-01.04.2016, Berlin, Niemcy

W programie sesje tj.:
– Analysis of deformities
– Principles and technique in deformity correction
– Unicompartimental OA: Osteotomy vs. UKA
– Principles in UKA
– PF-replacement and combined PFJ/Uni
– Alternatives? Kinespring, Interpos. Spacers, Hemi-Cap
– What is the biomechanical goal in TKA?
– Indication: Is there any evidence?
– Patients expectations and outcome
– Implant position: What are we aiming for?
– Preoperative planning and patient preparation
– Approaches in TKA
– Navigation and PSI: Helpful or not?
– All-Femur first technique
– Extension-Gap first technique
– Managing the Varus-Knee
– Managing the Valgus-Knee
– Managing flexion contracture
– Managing patellofemoral problems
– Should I do my TKA as a one-day procedure?
– Should I preserve my ACL and PCL?
– Should I change my perioperative management? The ECG
– Should I do kinematic Alignment?
– Infection
– Loosening and bone loss
– Instability
– Malpositioning
– The stiff knee
– Systematic algorithm for painful UKA/TKA

W planie również sesja zatytułowana „My worst Case”.

Kontakt z organizatorem:

Professional Congress Organizer (PCO)
MCI Deutschland GmbH | MCI – Berlin Office
Markgrafenstrasse 56 | 10117 Berlin | Germany |
Tel: +49 (0)30 20 45 90 | Fax: +49 (0)30 20 45 950

Więcej informacji oraz rejestracja na stronie www.

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