Dla lekarzy

XXXVII Dni Ortopedyczne Polskiego Towarzystwa Ortopedycznego i Traumatologicznego

22-24.06.2017, Ostróda

Miejsce obrad:
Ostróda Expo Mazury
ul. Grunwaldzka 55
14-100 Ostróda

Przewodniczący Komitetu Organizacyjnego:
Dr n. med. Tomasz NIedźwiecki

Program wstępny:

23 czerwca ( piątek )

8:00 Welcome/Local Host

Session I: History, future and tumors in spine surgery.
Moderators: Prof. Snela, Dr Niedźwiecki

8:10 History of spinal deformity surgery (Prof. Kostiuk).
8:40 Managing Bias: Medical Ethics in the 21st Century (Eric J. Muehlbauer).
8:55 Controversies in stem cell treatments and the proliferation of stem cell clinics (Eric J. Muehlbauer).
9:10 Surgical management of spine tumors (Prof. Ehud Mendel).
10:00 Current approach to spinal metastasis management (Dr Urbanski).
10:15 Discussion
10:30 Break

Session II: Adult spine deformity management.
Moderators: Prof. Kostiuk, Dr Potaczek

10:45 Treatment of degenerative lumbar scoliosis (Dr Buchowski).
11:15 Correction of cervical spine deformity (Dr Truumees).
11:45 Long Posterior Cervical Instrumentation: Should we Cross the CT Junction? (Dr Truumees).
12:15 Meaning of PSO (pedicle subtraction osteotomy) in 3D correction of adult spine deformities (prof. Repko).
12:45 Osteotomies in revision surgery (Dr Nosarzewski).
13:00 Complications in adult spinal deformity (Prof. Kostiuk).
13:30 Discussion
13:45 Lunch

Session III: Pediatric spine deformity management. Sagittal imbalance.
Moderators: Prof. Repko, Dr Buchowski

14:30 Role of osteotomies in pediatric spinal deformities (Dr Potaczek).
14:45 Treatment of severe children spine deformities over 100 degrees with exclusion of anterior release (Prof. Repko).
15:15 Tree dimensional correction for idiopathic scoliosis (Dr Grabala).
15:30 Growth preserving procedures in pediatric deformities, expectations, limitations and final results (Dr Potaczek).
15:45 Surgical treatment of hyperkyphosis in children utilizing posterior approach only (Prof. Repko).
16:15 Management of sagittal imbalance (Dr Buchowski).
16:45 Evidence Comparing Direct Lateral/ Posterior Fusion vs. TLIF Post Fusion (Dr Ed Dohring).
17:15 The role of physiotherapy in the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis (Prof. Czaprowski).
17:30 Discussion
17:45 Adjourn
19:30 Dinner


24 czerwca ( sobota)

09.30 Scientific session 4
11.30 Break
12.00 Scientific session 5
14.00 Closing ceremony

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