Under the Auspices of International Osteoporosis Foundation

Dear Friends,

We invite you to participate in the traditional VIII Central European Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis Congress and the 20th Congress of the Polish Society of Osteoarthritis, which will be held online, on October 22-23, 2021. Long-term osteoporosis treatment, its effectiveness and the risk of complications will be discussed. New therapeutic options in osteoporosis as well as advances in the treatment of osteoarthritis will also be presented. We will pay special attention to the new osteoporosis treatment strategy, distinguishing low, medium and high risk of frature, as presented by Professor J. Kanis. The program consists of 26 lectures, which will be presented by outstanding lecturers from Poland and abroad, including: C. Cooper, S. Cummings, J.A. Kanis, P. Lakatos, O. Lesniak, S. Papapoulos, J. Payer, N. Grygorieva.

The lecture languages will be Polish and English, while two sessions will be held only in English. The discussion after each session will be conducted online using chat. The questions and answers of foreign lecturers will be translated directly. The pdf materials will be available online after the end of the Congress.

For participants from former USSR area we offer a significantly reduced congress fee.

Looking forward to a nice meeting with you,

Best greetings,
Scientific Committee Chairman
Prof. dr hab. Edward Czerwiński


Medial patronages

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