Dear Sirs,

You are cordially invited to cooparate in the organization of the 20th Congress  of the Polish Society of Osteoarthrology and the 8th Central European Congress  of Osteoporosis, which will be held online on october 22-23, 2021. 

The program includes 26 lectures containing the latest and practical information  on the diagnostic and treatment of osteoporosis, including anabolic drugs and many  others. Lectures will be given by excellent lecturers from Poland and invited guests  from abroad as professors: C. Cooper, S. Cummings, J.A. Kanis, P. Lakatos,  O. Lesniak, S. Papapoulos, J. Payer, V. Povoroznyuk. 

I will mention that prof. I. Kanis and S. Papapoulos will celebrate 20 years  of cooperation with our Society.  

The language of the lectures will be Polish and English, while 2 sessions (no. 3 and 6)  will be only in English. We anticipate the participation of approx. 300 doctors from  Poland and abroad. Detailed information can be found on the Polish Osteoporosis Portal 

The Congress will be organized by the IAMP company. 

Looking forward to a pleasant meeting with you, we cordially greet you

Krzysztof Dąbrowski

Chairman of the Scientific Commitee
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Edward Czerwiński

Krakow, June 1, 2021

On our part, we offer you the possibility, among others:

> Information about the sponsorship title (logotype) placed on the website in the Congress tab, liniking the logotype to the indicated website  address 

> Broadcast advertising film in the advertising block between sessions (3×20 sec/pause) 

> A webinar room for an online conversation between the representative and the participants 

> Placing promotional material in conference materials (*.pdf) available to participants 


The full offer can be downloaded below.

We will be happy to prepare an individual offer for you.
Companies and institution interested in cooperation please contact the organizer. 

IAMP Sp. z o. o.
Interdyscyplinarna Akademia Medycyny Praktycznej
+48 794 090 497
+48 668 336 540 

Detailed information and registration for the Congress:

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