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Najczęściej cytowane prace 2015/2016 dostępne nieodpłatnie

W ofercie wydawnictwa znalazło się po 10 najczęściej cytowanych prac w latach 2015-2016 w obrębie czasopism Calcified Tissue International & Musculuskeletal Research, Osteoporosis International oraz Archives of Osteoporosis.
Artykuły dostepne będę nieodpłatnie przez okres 2 miesięcy od 18.01.2017 (do 18.03.2017).

Pełny spis artykułów obejmuje:
1. Calcified Tissue International & Musculuskeletal Research:
– Adjusting fracture probability by trabecular bone score (E.V. Mc Closkey et al.)
– The role of water compartments in the material properties of cortical bone
(M. Granke et al.)
– Pharmacologic options for the treatment of sarcopenia
(J. E.Morley)
– Serum circulating microRNAs as biomarkers of osteoporotic fracture
(L. Panach et al.)
– Skeletal Muscle: A Brief Review of Structure and Function
(W.R. Frontera & J. Ochala)
– Effects of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and Vitamin D3 on the Expression of the Vitamin D Receptor in Human Skeletal Muscle Cells
(R. Pojednic et al.)
– Analysis of the Bone MicroRNome in Osteoporotic Fractures
(P. Garmilla-Ezquerra et al.)
– Fragility of Bone Material Controlled by Internal Interfaces
(W Wagermaier et al.)
– The Role of Collagen Organization on the Properties of Bone
(P. Garnero)
– The Mineral-Collagen Interface in Bone
(S. Stock)

2. Osteoporosis International:
– Odanacatib for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis: development history and design and participant characteristics of LOFT, the Long-Term Odanacatib Fracture Trial (H.G . Bone et al.) 
The effect of 8 or 5 years of denosumab treatment in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: results from the FREEDOM Extension study (S. Papapoulos et al.)
Defects in cortical microarchitecture among African-American women with type 2 diabetes (E.W. Yu et al.)
– Volumetric femoral BMD, bone geometry, and serum sclerostin levels differ between type 2 diabetic postmenopausal women with and without fragility fractures
(U. Heilmeier et al.)
– Associations between sedentary behaviour and body composition, muscle function and sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults
(J. Gianoudis et al.)
– Comparative performance of current definitions of sarcopenia against the prospective incidence of falls among community-dwelling seniors age 65 and older
(H.A. Bischoff-Ferrari et al.)
– Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and risk of fractures: an updated meta-analysis from the National Osteoporosis Foundation
(C.M. Weaver et al.)
– The National Osteoporosis Foundation’s position statement on peak bone mass development and lifestyle factors: a systematic review and implementation recommendations
(C. M. Weaver et al.)
– Low bone mineral density and fractures in stages 3–5 CKD: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis
(R.C. Bucur et al.)
– Burden of high fracture probability worldwide: secular increases 2010–2040
(A. Odén et al.)

3. Archives of osteoporosis:
– Is allopurinol use associated with an excess risk of osteoporotic fracture? A National Prescription Registry study (E.M. Dennison et al.)
– Factors affecting bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
(B. Heidari et al.)
– Association between HIV infection and bone mineral density in climacteric women
(D.C. Gomes et al.)
– Compliance and persistence with daily, weekly, and monthly bisphosphonates for osteoporosis in Japan: analysis of data from the CISA
(H. Kishimoto et al.)
– Reassessment of osteoporosis-related femoral fractures and economic burden in Saudi Arabia
(M. Sadat-Ali et al.)
– Compliance and persistence with treatment with parathyroid hormone for osteoporosis. A Danish national register-based cohort study
(A-L. Thorsteinsson et al.)
– Estimating osteoporotic fracture risk following a wrist fracture: a tale of two systems
(K. Beattie et al.) 
High prevalence of secondary factors for bone fragility in patients with a recent fracture independently of BMD (F. Malgo et al.)
Differences in the trajectory of bone mineral density change measured at the total hip and femoral neck between men and women following hip fracture (A. M. Rathbun et al.).
– A systematic review of intervention thresholds based on FRAX: A report prepared for the National Osteoporosis Guideline Group and the International Osteoporosis Foundation

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