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Progress in Osteoporosis Volume 15 Issue 3 – już dostępny!

Informujemy, że dostępny jest już najnowszy przegląd publikacji w dziedzinie osteoporozy, opracowywany przez Prof Ego Seemana.
W najnowszym numerze tematy tj.:
1. Life Expectancy After Fracture: The need for long-term antifracture efficacy
2. Elevated Incidence of Fracture in Women with Invasive Breast Cancer
3. Exercise in Childhood and Fewer Fractures
4. Is Any Association Between Testosterone and BMD Genetically Determined?
5. Marrow Fat
6. Diabetes and Bone Qualities
7. Matrix Mineral Density of Trabecular Plates and Rods

8. Amino Acid Intake and BMD

9. Adynamic Bone Disease in Renal Impaired Mice
10. Calcium Intake and Lower Fracture Risk and Mortality
11. Porosity in Men With Fractures
12. Sex Hormone Changes During Ageing in Men

13. Serum Hormonal Binding Globulin and Fracture Risk in Men

14. Osteocalcin and Glucose

15. PTH Treatment and Gap Junctions
16. Sclerostin Antibody Therapy in Glucocorticoid-induced Osteoporosis
17. Long-term Antiresorptive Therapy

18. Bisphosphonate Treatment of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head
19. Vitamin D and BMD
20. Vitamin D and Muscle Strength

21. Osteonecrosis of the Jaw

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