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Bezpłatny dostęp do artykułów Calcified Tissue International oraz Osteoporosis International

Udostępnione artykuły w systemie Open Acces, to najczęściej cytowane publikacje w latach 2014-2015 (Calcified Tissue International) oraz najczęściej ściągane artykuły roku 2015 (Osteoporosis International).

Artykuły z Calcified Tissue International :
Osteocyte-Driven Bone Remodeling
Bellido,T.Calcif Tissue Int (2014) 94: 25.

Osteocytes: Master Orchestrators of Bone
Schaffler, M.B., Cheung, W., Majeska, R. et al. Calcif Tissue Int (2014) 94: 5.

Osteoclast-Derived Coupling Factors in Bone Remodeling
Henriksen, K., Karsdal, M.A. & John Martin, T. Calcif Tissue Int (2014) 94: 88.

Adipocytes and the Regulation of Bone Remodeling: A Balancing Act
Nuttall, M.E., Shah, F., Singh, V. et al. Calcif Tissue Int (2014) 94: 78.

Bone Microarchitecture and Estimated Strength in 499 Adult Danish Women and Men: A Cross-Sectional, Population-Based High-Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomographic Study on Peak Bone Structure
Hansen, S., Shanbhogue, V., Folkestad, L. et al. Calcif Tissue Int (2014) 94: 269.

Molecular Mechanisms of Osteoblast/Osteocyte Regulation by Connexin43
Stains, J.P., Watkins, M.P., Grimston, S.K. et al. Calcif Tissue Int (2014) 94: 55.

Modulation of the Initial Mineralization Process of SaOS-2 Cells by Carbonic Anhydrase Activators and Polyphosphate
Wang, X., Schröder, H.C., Schlossmacher, U. et al. Calcif Tissue Int (2014) 94: 495.

Control of Bone Remodeling by the Peripheral Sympathetic Nervous System
Elefteriou, F., Campbell, P. & Ma, Y. Calcif Tissue Int (2014) 94: 140.

The Bone Resorption Inhibitors Odanacatib and Alendronate Affect Post-Osteoclastic Events Differently in Ovariectomized Rabbits
Jensen, P.R., Andersen, T.L., Pennypacker, B.L. et al. Calcif Tissue Int (2014) 94: 212.

A Meta-Analysis of Reference Markers of Bone Turnover for Prediction of Fracture
Johansson, H., Odén, A., Kanis, J.A. et al. Calcif Tissue Int (2014) 94: 560.

Incidence Rates and Trends of Hip/Femur Fractures in Five European Countries: Comparison Using E-Healthcare Records Databases
Requena, G., Abbing-Karahagopian, V., Huerta, C. et al.
Calcif Tissue Int (2014) 94: 580.

Artykuły w Osteoporosis International :
Clinician’s Guide to Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis

European guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women

Health risks and benefits from calcium and vitamin D supplementation: Women’s Health Initiative clinical trial and cohort study

Overdiagnosis of osteoporosis: fact or fallacy?

Balance training program is highly effective in improving functional status and reducing the risk of falls in elderly women with osteoporosis: a randomized controlled trial

A systematic review of hip fracture incidence and probability of fracture worldwide

European guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women

The effect of 8 or 5 years of denosumab treatment in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: results from the FREEDOM Extension study

Life-course approach to nutrition

FRAX™ and the assessment of fracture probability in men and women from the UK

Źródło: IOF BoneBlast – August 2016

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